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Business - 4 min read

Hiring superstar employees can take your business to the next level. Finding them, however, is no easy task. While attracting the top talent should be a focus of all growing businesses, many fall short in a few key areas.

Your business is a good business, and good employees should actively strive to work for you. So how do you get in front of their eyes when a position becomes available?

Below we explore some modern tools and techniques for posting your job listing online, so you are attracting candidates who are a cut above the rest.


Your Next Best Thing Lives Online

A 2013 survey conducted by employer review platform, Glassdoor, found 79% of job seekers use social media during their search. This number increased to 86% when studying job seekers in the first 10 years of their careers.

The same survey also found that nearly two in three employers weren’t successfully using social media to advertise their positions.

While this survey is three years old, the numbers are no less telling. Today’s job seekers aren’t flipping through the classifieds in search of their next dream gig. Their first port of call is online, and hiring managers should be there to meet them.


Where Do Job Seekers Search?

The modern job seeker has a few powerful arrows in their quiver. Social channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are usual suspects in engaging the online talent pool, alongside specialised job search engines Seek, CareerOne, The Loop, Jora and Indeed.

However, there are countless other platforms that offer industry-specific listings, like the popular PedestrianJobs site [LINK]. Pedestrian.tv is emerging as the most effective way for media and communications businesses to speak to younger job seekers. 

The meteoric rise of LinkedIn as the go-to jobs marketplace has transformed the online recruitment game. As at May this year, there were 6.5 million active job listings on LinkedIn, and those listings attract over five times more views than those on Facebook. 

Job seekers don’t only find positions on LinkedIn, positions find job seekers. The platform’s personalised ‘Jobs you may be interested in’ feature is continuously updated to match the individual’s listed skills and visited jobs. Often, these capture the attention of even non-seekers as they browse the platform.


Reputation is Key

With the help of social channels and job search platforms, today’s businesses are more visible to job seekers than ever before. However, this visibility presents its own challenges. 

Popular employer review site Glassdoor empowers current and past employees to rate their work experiences at their organisation. It reflects a growing trend of job seekers approaching businesses like they would when buying groceries at the store. 

According to a 2016 Glassdoor survey, the majority of today’s job seekers read at least six reviews of a company before forming an opinion of its worth.

78% of job seekers believe rankings and reviews of a business from existing employees influence their application decision.

What does this mean for attracting the best talent? Companies must strive to establish trust not only with their potential applicants, but those who currently turn up from nine to five. 

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